Sunday, July 08, 2007

Publio Ovidio Nasone----Publius Ovidius Naso (March 20, 43 BC – 17 AD) was a Roman poet known to the English-speaking world as Ovid who wrote on topics of love, abandoned women and mythological transformations. Ranked alongside Virgil and Horace as one of the three canonical poets of Latin literature, Ovid was generally considered the greatest master of the elegiac couplet.-----Metamorphoses By Ovid Written 1 A.C.E. ----Ovid's influence on Western art and literature cannot be exaggerated. The Metamorphoses is our best classical source of 250 myths. ---One of the most prolific poets of Rome's Golden Age, Ovid, the name by which Publius Ovidius Naso is commonly known, specialized in the witty and sophisticated treatment of love in all its permutations.-----The Love Books of Ovid----
Octavia, sister of the emperor Augustus----

What Is The Historical Context Paul Addressed In First Century Rome?----Before You Learn About Imperial Women----Ancient Rome was a man’s world. In politics, society and the family, men held both the power and the purse-strings – they even decided whether a baby would live or die. -----

Augustus----augustus was the first emperor of Rome. He replaced the Roman republic with a monarchy and during his long reign brought peace and stability. -----AUGUSTUS (31 B.C. - 14 A.D.)-----AUGUSTUS: IMAGES OF POWER ----Augustus, The name by which Caius Julius Caesar Octavianus, the first Roman emperor, in whose reign Jesus Christ was born, is usually known;

Museo dell'Ara Pacis ----L'Ara Pacis Augustae è un altare dedicato da Augusto nel 9 a.C. alla Pace, intesa come dea romana, e posto in una zona del Campo Marzio consacrata alla celebrazione delle vittorie, luogo emblematico perché posto a un miglio (1 472 m) dal pomerium, limite della città dove il console di ritorno da una spedizione militare perdeva i poteri ad essa relativi (imperium militiae) e rientrava in possesso dei propri poteri civili (imperium domi).-------L'Ara Pacis rappresenta una delle più alte espressioni dell'arte augustea e insieme un'opera dai profondi rimandi simbolici, che acquistano significato nel quadro del passaggio storico dalla Repubblica al nuovo assetto imperiale. -----L'Ara Pacis Augustae, ovvero l'Altare della Pace di Augusto, celebrò la pacificazione nell'area mediterranea realizzata dall'imperatore Augusto dopo le vittoriose campagne di Gallia e di Spagna. ----

The Emperor Augustus----

Homosexuality in ancient Rome----The Roman Family---The Roman Sexual Code----Valentines from Ancient Rome-----GOOD SEX AT HOME IN ANCIENT ROME----The Ancient Roman and Talmudic Definition of Natural Eunuchs ----Standard Roman Sexuality----
Galli: Ancient Roman Priests ----

5 Worst Roman Emperors--- Mother of the Gods. From Cybele to the Virgin Mary-----Life in Roman times for women was quite hard. The father was the most important member of the family. ---

Heliogabalus: emperor of Rome, ruled from 218 to 222, famous for his religious reforms and the introduction of the cult of the Syrian sun god ----ANCIENT ROME & ITALY ----
CLODIA: 95 - ?44 BC ----
Erotic art in Pompeii and Herculaneum-----The term Secret Museum or Secret Cabinet (Gabinetto Segreto) principally refers to the collection of erotic or sexually explicit finds from Pompeii, held in separate galleries in the Naples National Archaeological Museum, Naples, Italy, the former Museo Borbonico. The ----

From the archives: Another erotic artwork from ancient Pompeii, on display in the Gabinetto Segreto ----

In ancient Rome, for instance, some believed gladiator sweat was an aphrodisiac----

The Secret History of Henna contains the latest and most in-depth research into the ancient and venerable history of the art of mehndi.

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