Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Made in Market
26 Novembre 2010 dalle 14.00
Mercato Italia – Via Catania 70 – Roma

Venerdì pomerigio, andando a fare la spesa, troverete
gli artigiani e i creativi del quartiere San Lorenzo che
si destreggeranno tra i banchi del mercato Italia:
dallo stilista al disegnatore, dal designer al ceramista,
tutti insieme proporranno le loro creazioni,
realizzate con attenzione particolare all’arte del riciclo.

Artists and artisans will be displaying their works at the Piazza Bologna Market.

related: Rome Markets / Mercato---Rome Markets, The larger and more colourful and lively markets in the centre of Rome are worth to visit. They usually open at 7am-1pm, Monday to Saturday. Porta Portese is opened on Sundays. ---


history of Rome: A Brief History of Rome---
The History of Rome, A weekly podcast tracing the history of the Roman Empire, beginning with Aeneas's arrival in Italy and ending (someday) with the exile of Romulus Augustulus, last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. ----

Friday, November 12, 2010



Ecologia, sviluppo sostenibile, dialogo interculturale, città a misura d’uomo, coesione sociale. Sono i temi al centro dell’incontro con LUCY ORTA, artista e performer britannica di fama internazionale e TEDDY CRUZ, architetto che da San Diego indaga i temi dell’abitare in una delle zone di confine più roventi del pianeta, quella tra USA e Messico, sabato 13 novembre al MAXXI alle ore 16.30. Con loro, il geografo Franco Farinelli.

sabato 13 novembre, ore 16.30

related: Clothing meets social activism---Lucy Orta-----In 1993, Lucy Orta and her partner, Jorge Orta, founded Studio Orta in central Paris----DRESS FOR STRESS WEARABLE TECHNOLOGY AND THE SOCIAL BODY----

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Pierluigi and I decided to drive around Castelli Romani, a group of hills southeast of Rome . It's known for its white wines (malvasia and trebbiano grapes). But it's also know for the presence of CERN thus many scientific related events.

We had lunch at Hotel Cacciani and were told by the waiter that a movie with Robert DeNiro was being filmed at Villa Aldobrandi and that the Hotel was catering some of the food. Who knows what they ate. But we had pasta, of course, and Pierluigi and some great ravioli stuffed with an eggplant puree'.

foto: Frascati parking lot with Villa Aldobrandi in the background.

The first record of the Villa Aldobrandini date back to the 16th century when the villa was purchased by the Aldobrandini family. Prior to this it had been owned by a succession of minor Roman and provincial noblemen. At the end of the 18th century it passed into the hands of the Borghese family, who had in the meantime also inherited all the Aldobrandini possessions. ---
Villa Aldobrandi foto----

Frascati is a town in the province of Rome particularly famous for its white wine, the Frascati (wine), its notable villas of the old noble families. It is located 20 km south-east of Rome, on the Alban Hills close to the ancient city of Tusculum...

recipes: Eggplant Ravioli ---more Eggplant Ravioli----

Sunday, August 22, 2010

foto, rupeste art in the alps
foto, Le incisioni rupestri... segni del pensiero
Incisioni rupestri preistoriche - orante femminile, Il parco incisioni rupestri si trova a circa 15' a piedi, percorrendo la mulattiera che si stacca dalla strada principale, a circa 100 da Baita Mario.
Uomo orante della Valle Intrasca 2. Riproduzione di un'incisione rupestre del 1500 A.C. circa - PRAYERFUL MAN. REPRODUCTION OF AN ENGRAVING ROCK. ABOUT 1500 BC

Early Christian Orant Gesture in Prayer--Early Christian Art Borrows Forms from Roman (pagan) Art----Oran, Orante, Orans, What Is In A Posture?----Female orant.----


FOTO, The Door Panels of Santa Sabina ---

A figure in the attitude of prayer is called an Orant in icon painting. In this ancient Eastern position, the figure either stands with arms outstretched sideways or bent at the elbow with palms facing forward. In early Christianity martyrs and deaconesses were represented in this attitude, which they assumed for certain prayers. The name of Oranta was then conferred on representations of the Virgin in this prayer position.

Bellini's so-called Pagan Allegory ---

The tomb TT29 of Vizier Amenemope (or Amenemipet)----

in greece:

Deities lift both arms in the "epiphany gesture" or reach forward to give or receive. The pantheon of Mycenaean deities --

Worshipper and worshipped are identified in seals, rings and votives figures through their gestures: worshippers fold their arms, or raise the right arm in greeting, or place a hand on the forehead. Deities lift both arms in the "epiphany gesture" or reach forward to give or receive. Some of the deities are familiar—or at least their names are recognizably present in the Olympic pantheon of written myth.Our relation to nature is reflected in our depiction of animals, which are shown only in relation to man, or as victims of the hunt. Also, we do not have a priestly class.

singhakranta mudra:

Angkorian statues --

Singhakranta Mudra---

Friday, March 26, 2010

Raiperunanotte - Mario Monicelli - "ci vorrebbe la rivoluzione"

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Plotinus lived in Rome from 244....

Plotinus---Plotinus was born AD 205,, Lyco, or Lycopolis, Egypt? d. 270, Campania ancient philosopher, the centre of an influential circle of intellectuals and men of letters in 3rd-century Rome, who is regarded by modern scholars as the founder of the Neoplatonic school of philosophy. ----

Porphyry: On the Life of Plotinus and the Arrangement of his Work....Plotinus, the philosopher our contemporary, seemed ashamed of being in the body.

Selections from "The Philospohy of Plotinus the Egyptian pdf----

Friday, February 12, 2010

Alighiero Boetti, Italian artist, is best known for his embrodieries. Not handmade by him, of course.

Alighiero Boetti----Archivio Alighiero Boetti-----

ABC embroidery----


There will be an Boetti catalogue presentation at MAXX Museo Nazionale:
24 febbraio 2010, ore 18.00 Auditorium del MAXXI presentazione volumeAlighiero Boetti Catalogo generale Tomo primo. Opere 1961-1971 direzione scientifica di Jean-Christophe Ammann
see: Un progetto in quattro volumi, pubblicati da Electa, raccoglie l'intera opera di Alighiero Boetti, artista dalla raffinata ironia concettuale che per tutta la vita si è cimentato in una complessa e variegata ricerca.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

scART prossima puntata di scArt Attack è fissata per giovedì 25 febbraio, i posti a disposizione sono 30 e le iscrizioni chiuderanno mercoledì 17. Fateci avere al più presto vostre notizie via email o telefoniche al 3929490037. Oppure passate il mercoledì all'Antù per l'ora dell'aperitivo ; )

Antù, lo spazio/laboratorio dedicato all’ecosostenibilità.
Suitcase Magazine

Frizzi Frizzi fashion blog----Estel Fashion blog----

Re-uSe è un momento di incontro e di scambio tra due inconsuete stiliste che creano attraverso l'arte del ri-uso e le numerose eco-fashionist della nostra città... Troppo spesso le donne sono incastrate nei loro ruoli di mamma, moglie, figlia, amante, efficiente segretaria o manager in carriera, tanto da trovare difficile anche ritagliarsi un momento intimo e rilassante per scegliersi un abito, per provare se quella collana dona davvero al proprio decolleté, per parlare di moda ma in chiave eco-sostenibile...
Lontano da luoghi convenzionali, ecco che Re-uSe sceglie un solo giorno a settimana, il mercoledì, e un orario diverso - dalle 18.00 alle 23.00 - per offrire alle donne una serata giocosa, divertente e spensierata, durante la quale scegliere o non scegliere con calma, ascoltare bella musica di sottofondo, degustare un aperitivo biologico e a km zero e conoscere nuove amiche... ---

Livia Risi: Twisted by Design.
Movement is at the center of my creations.
I love everything that changes and mutates. Everytime that from a drawing I get to the finished dress, I like to put it on, turn it around, twist it until I understand the many possibilities behind it.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

alta roma website

AltaRomaAltaModa ---AltaRomaAltaModa---Al via AltaRoma: l'alta moda a Roma---Continua l’alta moda ad AltaRoma: stasera Curiel, l’ambasciatrice della moda----AltaRomAltaModa ---

QuitMag è stato invitato a partecipare a Fashion on Paper, prestigioso evento rivolto all'editoria indipendente organizzato da AltaRoma


Friday, January 22, 2010


niki de saint phalle...for claudio

ALTA ROMA, ALTA MODA, AID FOR TRADEAN INTERVENTION SCHEME TARGETED AT ETHICAL FASHION-----The project proposed by ITC and Alta Roma to fashion companies in the Italian system is targeted at the achievement of excellence in high-end goods, through the promotion of a model of sustainable development. The aim is to equip ethical fashion with all the necessary tools to operate effectively within the luxury goods segment, while maintaining the qualitative standards of the product and its image appeal.